House Contract Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation - Beta Kappa Chapter DBA: Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity - Beta Kappa Chapter Housing AgreementThis agreement made and entered into on*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDay*12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Enter the Year* by and between the undersigned* First Middle Last Hereinafter referred to as the Student; and the Beta Kappa Chapter of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity at Oklahoma State University, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, for the Semester beginning* Spring Fall of the year*20242025Yearand ending upon the Student's graduation from Oklahoma State University. The Student will live in the Beta Kappa Chapter House for his 1st 6 semesters at OSU and then is eligible to live out of house, but must still pay out of house dues until graduation. If the Student is under another housing contract the student agrees to move in at his earliest availability after fulfillment / termination of that agreement. In the event that the Student has withdrawn or not attending Oklahoma State University for a semester (or more), the Student is still obligated to all terms of this contract when the Student returns to (enrolls in) Oklahoma State University. A STUDENT MAY BE RELEASED FROM THIS CONTRACT ONLY BY THE PHI KAPPA TAU HOUSING CORPORATION. THIS HOUSING CONTRACT AGREEMENT MUST BE ENTIRELY AND PROPERLY COMPLETED, SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED TO THE PHI KAPPA TAU HOUSING CORPORATION BEFORE MOVING IN. IT WILL BE UNDERSTOOD THAT UNTIL THIS CONTRACT IS PROPERLY COMPLETED THAT YOUR RESIDENCE IS NOT AT 1203 W. 3RD, STILLWATER, OK, 74074.Students Email* Students Cell Phone*Student Social Security Number* Student Date of Birth* Student CWID / Banner ID* 1 Alphabetical and 8 Numerical Characters Student Signature*Todays Date* Moms Name* First & LastMoms Email* Moms Cell Phone*Dads Name* First & LastDads Email* Dads Cell Phone*Parent or Legal Guardian Name* First & LastParent Social Security Number* Parent Home Phone*Parent or Legal Guardian Signature*Todays Date* Home Address* Street Address City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code WITNESSED THE FOLLOWING: Room (Rent): That the Chapter agrees to provide room to the undersigned Student from the date signed until graduation from Oklahoma State University (or until the contract’s earlier termination by the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation) and agrees to operate and maintain said Chapter House during the term of this Housing Agreement in accordance with the housing standards prescribed by the Chapter and Oklahoma State University. Vacations and Breaks: The Chapter House shall be closed during vacations (i.e. those time periods when OSU is not in regular session: Summer break, Spring break, and Christmas break) and in such event, the Student shall not be entitled to occupancy in the Chapter House during such periods, unless he obtains prior approval from the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation. It is understood and agreed that, in any event, the use and occupancy of the Chapter House hereunder shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Chapter and Oklahoma State University. Board (Meals): The Chapter House shall provide board for the Student per the current meal plan and the number of meals is subject to change as determined by the Chapter. The Chapter Kitchen Manager will provide details of the meal plan. Personal Property: The Chapter shall not be responsible for loss of or damage to any of the Student's personal property placed in or about the Chapter House by the Student for any cause whatsoever. (Renters Insurance is recommended) Repairs Cost: The Student will pay a base fine of up to $100 plus repair costs to the Chapter for all damages to, or loss of any fixtures, furnishings, or personal property furnished under this Agreement, caused by the Student's negligence, lawful intent, or accident. Payments: The Student living in house agrees to pay to the Beta Kappa Chapter of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity the sum of $2,250 for Room and $1,795 for Board (or if living out of house $640 for Chapter Dues + $1,795 for Board if a meal plan is needed) and $275 for National Insurance and Dues per semester. These rates may change to cover increased costs of living or insurance as determined by the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation. Any one time charges will be collected when due; association fee, initiation fee and room damage fee are examples of said one time charges. All payments shall be made payable to Phi Kappa Tau and sent to our Agent (Currently working for the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation. All payment will revolve around the school semester with a maximum of 4 installments as follows: A. 1st installment – 1st month of the semester. (25% Room & Board + 100% of Insurance/Dues & One-Time Charges) B. 2nd installment – 2nd month of the semester. (25% Room & Board) C. 3rd installment – 3rd month of the semester. (25% Room & Board) D. 4th installment – 4th month of the semester. (25% Room & Board) The Chapter, supervised by the Board of Governors or the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation will maintain collections and bookkeeping. All installments are expected to be on time and in full. Late payments that are NOT notified ahead of time and agreed upon at the discretion of the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation WILL result in a LATE FEE charge of up to 15% PER MONTH OF ANY PAST DUE AMOUNT. If the Student shall fail to remit full payment within 30 days following the invoice date of said payment, the President and Treasurer with the Consent of the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation may at its option suspend the Student's meal privileges, Chapter vote, house athletic and social activities, or any and all activities they see fit, or as an alternative, terminate this Agreement and dismiss the Student. Voluntary Withdraw: If the Student voluntarily withdraws or is dismissed from OSU, or voluntarily leaves the Beta Kappa Chapter of The Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, or fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement, then that Student upon his departure has forfeited his right of reimbursement by the Chapter. Returned Checks: In the event any amount due under this Agreement is paid by means of a check and such checks is returned unpaid, for whatever reason, the Student agrees to pay the Chapter promptly upon demand the original sum plus the sum of $50.00 as a reasonable amount to defray the Chapter's administrative and handling expenses caused by such returned check. Room Deposit: A new Associate Member or a returning Member agrees to remit to the Chapter no later than the day of arrival a $200.00 non-refundable room damage fee which may be used to address normal wear and tear on the Chapter property, as determined by the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation. If this fee is not paid as indicated above, late charges as stated in section 6 will assessed to the undersigned Student until the payment is made. Rules, Regulations and Bylaws: The undersigned Student agrees to maintain the room and contents assigned to him in good condition and shall observe all the rules, regulations, and bylaws of the Beta Kappa Chapter of The Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and pay any and all fines levied by the Chapter to enforce those standards. No Pets are allowed at any time in the Chapter house. Room Access and Assignment: The Chapter or Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation shall have the right to enter into all rooms in the Chapter House for the purpose of inspection and repair, and shall have the right to reassign rooms in the Chapter House at any and all times. Room Painting: Walls may be painted by the Student (the ceiling may never be painted other than white) with approval of the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation in any of the following colors; Harvard Red, Old Gold, Orange, any shade of White, or Light Gray. Black may be used as a trim color only. If the painting is not approved by the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation the Student will be held responsible to repaint the room. Computer Usage: Student will be using the house network and you SHARE the Internet connection. In other words, if people are having problems, it may be caused by your computer without you knowing it. Please follow the steps below and encourage others in the house to follow these steps as well. Failing to do so will result in outside consultants coming in to maintain the network and causes the house to spend money when the house can properly maintain their own network. The Student needs to remember to make and keep backups of everything of importance on your computer. The Student is responsible for all of your own data! Install and update your virus protection! Make sure to check the date your virus protection was last updated! It is almost guaranteed that if you do not have up to date virus protection your computer will get infected. You are on a computer network with several other computers. If those computers become infected they may try to spread their viruses to you. If you do not have virus protection and will be purchasing it, we suggest purchasing Norton Antivirus. Run a program to remove SPYWARE. Spyware programs monitor what you do and use up unnecessary Internet traffic. They may try to steal your passwords, cause excessive pop-up advertisements, and cause your computer to run extremely slow. There are several free programs available such as Ad-Aware or Spybot Search and Destroy which will remove these programs. The majority of these programs are FREE for personal use. After you install and run the program, you should see an option to UPDATE THE PROGRAM. Make sure to perform this last step to get the latest files. Turn on your firewall that is built in to all Windows / Mac OS. It may save you a lot of future headache. Turn on Microsoft / Mac OS Updates and set it to automatically update. These are FREE and very necessary. They install patches to fix bugs in Microsoft’s and Apple’s software. If you aren’t using your computer TURN IT OFF. Each of your computers may access the Internet even if you are not using it or sitting in front of it. Please turn your computer off if it’s not in use! Member Responsibilities and Waiver of Liability: The Student is responsible for maintaining current data backups of my own computer. Neither Phi Kappa Tau nor our Agent (currently InterWorks, Inc.) shall be responsible for any data loss or hardware failure as a result of technical services provided to me by Phi Kappa Tau or our Agent. The Student understands his computer is on a shared network and he is responsible for taking protective measures to protect his computer including but not limited to: Installing virus protection & keeping software up-to-date at all times on all Windows Machines. Turning on the personal firewall, which is a part of both Windows and Mac OS operating systems. Keeping Windows / Mac OS updates current. I will shut my computer off when it is not in use I will not use my computer in any way that violates any laws. The Student authorizes our Agent and Phi Kappa Tau to work on my computer at any point during the school year, and to remove it from the network if it is causing a problem or doing something illegal. Collection Cost: The undersigned Student agrees to reimburse the Chapter for any costs and expenses incurred in the collection of any sum due under this contract, including but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. Assign / Transfer: The Student may not assign or otherwise transfer his rights under this Agreement. Enforcement: All terms of this contract shall be enforced by the Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporation. Termination:The Student may terminate this contract by paying an early termination fee of up to 50% of the remaining value of said contract. In the event this Agreement is terminated as stated in Paragraph 7 of this Agreement, the Student agrees to vacate the premises completely within 48 hours after notification by the Chapter. Statement of financial responsibility associated with Fraternity/Sorority Membership: The Oklahoma State University Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior states, “By enrolling at Oklahoma State University, students accept responsibility for compliance with all University policies and contracts.” In keeping with this expectation, students who are affiliated with fraternities or sororities recognized by Oklahoma State University are expected to fulfill their financial contractual obligations to their respective chapters. Therefore, as a condition of my membership/affiliation in an OSU recognized fraternity or sorority, I am aware of and understand fully my contractual responsibility to pay my regular dues, and my room and board if residing in chapter property, in a timely manner. Should I fail to uphold this responsibility, I authorize Oklahoma State University to grant my chapter’s request that a hold be placed on my enrollment. I understand and agree that once the hold is placed, it will not be removed until my outstanding account has been paid, or acceptable arrangements have been made with my fraternity/sorority chapter for its payment. I urther understand that so long as the hold is in effect, I will not be permitted to re-enroll at Oklahoma State University. Student Information and Signature: In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date set opposite their respective names. Student Initial*