If you would like to make a donation to the Fraternity
we have set up 3 programs to assist in this.

Brotherhood Legacy Program

An automatic monthly donation to the Housing Corporation for improvements and repairs to the house.


CEG Fund

A one time or recurring tax deductible donation to our National Chapter Educational Grant Fund (CEG) which provides money that is used to provide Scholarships to the full time student UGs of Beta Kappa that make a 4.0 for the previous semester.


One Time Donation

A one time donation to the chapter's PayPal account. Please add note on the donation page if the money is intended for something specific.



Upcoming Events

  • Mom's Day

  • Greek Discovery Day

  • Spring Sing

Chapter News

  • Homecoming 2023 - Delta Delta Delta

Alumni News

  • Rambler by email  is sent monthly, please make sure we have your email address so you do not miss out.

  • Rambler by US mail is sent twice a year.

  • Planning for 75th Anniversary Fall 2024

Twitter Feed

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For more information, visit Error Codes & Responses.


Congrats to our Beta Kappa brother Dan Blackshear. Wrestling Hall of Fame. Luv ya Pappy. Damn Proud! ... See MoreSee Less
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75th Reunion for the Brothers of Beta Kappa. If you were unable to make it we hope to see you on the next reunion. ... See MoreSee Less
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Chapter Eternal welcomes our Brother Eugene Lee Colclasure from the Beta Kappa Chapter of The Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, Inc. Rest in peace Brother. Now and ever. In Phi. obituaries.stwnewspress.com/obituary/eugene-colclasure-1089602062 ... See MoreSee Less
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